Nov 15, 2005

New Blog Title

Goodbye, EMP 5488! You served me well in the past year, but now I need a new title for this blog to match my mood. So in case you haven't notice, this blog now has a new title - Pointless Sentiments. Don't even bother to ask why I picked this name because I have no idea what-so-ever on how I end up with this name. I only know it kinda start out with the word "sentimental" and every thing from there is all pitch black.

I do know how I come up with the old title though - it was my employee id here. Since I know there must be people out there searching for co-workers' blog ( me), I now feel the urge to hide behind some fake name like 'Pointless Sentiments' so they won't login to SDE and look up my real name when they're bored at work.

P.S. Okay, it appears that JC knows about the owner of the blog is but he's sworn to secrecy. He stirred up my curiosity and now I am more interested to find out than ever.

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