Aug 28, 2007

Have to Resist the Urge...

Gee... Shooters are not my genre of game, but I am kind of getting hyped up by all the internal media regarding Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. So far the game's getting good reviews and has a strong single player story (key to me as I am not a big fan of online multi-player). The only drawback is that I haven't play Prime or Prime 2 so I might not understand the storyline fully.

Um... decision decision...

Aug 27, 2007

Currently listening to...

[This post probably means nothing to my coworkers other than Konphused...kaka]

Leo Koo's Moments
Miriam Yeung's Meridian
Hocc's What Really Matters

Of the 3, I think the least enjoyable is Miriam's. Some of the songs are just too old-style. Leo's good because a lot of the songs are K-able. Hocc's kind of in the middle. Though I have to say 木紋 is my favorite song in all three albums.

歌手:何韻詩 作曲:張繼聰 填詞:黃偉文 編曲:

如果 一手鋸開枯樹 木不會發現痛
不過 日日澆水的我 覺得被挖空
如果 必須結束關係 難扮成從未栽種
讓我 數著年輪 這些年輪 我的心會痛 wo~

在信中 圈圈緊扣 情感多深厚
前因 非因 錯種

分開簡單 抹去往事極難
幾多溫馨 燭光晚餐
難以用 斧頭一劈 叫畫面飛散
伴侶沒了 記憶會為患
倚星細語 抱月夜談
歷歷在目 錄下年鑑
來年樹倒 身影孤 煙花散
年輪未可推翻 化不~淡
(情長未可推翻 化不~淡 )

緣慳 但是人非草木 並不會太易慣
刻個 木造的心給我 痛苦未會減
情願 舊事連根一拔 忘滅如燃盡的炭
但我 數著年輪 幾圈年輪 已經濕了眼 wo~

就怕翻風的一晚 回首貪一眼

就怕新婚的一晚 臨終貪一眼

[Edited] Just noticed it's Wyman's lyrics - no wonder 咁到肉...XD

Do You Have a Friend Looking to Become a Software Developer?

My company recently vastly increased the referral bonus - let say 3 - 5 times more. The catch is that I'll have to refer 3 before 11/30. So if you or your friends interested, let me know. Hohoho~

Aug 25, 2007

Vacation Plans...

For the next 3 years... ha ha ha...

For some unknown reason I suddenly figured out the months I want to take vacation for the next couple years (till 2009). Of course that's assuming I am with the same company. So here's the plan:

Dec 2007 - Most likely around the Dec 12th or 13th and till Jan 5th, 2008.
Aug/Sept 2008 - 2 to 3 weeks. It's summer so I can pick up a new set of summer clothes
Chinese New Year 2009 - Haven't been back for new year for a while so this would be nice
Late 2009 - Sabbatical Leave for the win! Haven't quite figure out where I want to go for the extra 4 weeks of vacation. Since company is paying for travel/lodging to a country I've never been to (min 12 days; max 20 days), I probably won't spend all my time in HK.

Am i think way too ahead?

Aug 23, 2007

Etridan Odyssey - Done!

At least for now - I can't even remember how many hours I've put into this game. Old school dungeon crawler ftw. XD I think I still need to go back and tie up a couple loose knots but the main quest/post game is definitely done. Though I remember others were saying that there is supposedly a 2nd credit but I didn't see it last night when I been the "final" boss. Something fishy is going on...

Anyway, I have a feeling that this will become a gaming blog for some time... Bwahahaha... Now I need to go and buy Luminous Arc this weekend. Hohohoho...

Side note: Also bought Trauma Center: Second Opinion from a co-worker for half its original price. He said that I am literally the only person who played that game, so it's like new anyway. Um... an almost new game for half the price, I need more bargain like this one.

Aug 11, 2007

Mario Striker: Charged

Hard to believe this is my 7th Wii game already. Bought this game last week (I think) and so far it's quite fun. It's the 2nd Wii game that supports Wi-Fi (the first being Pokemon Stadium). I am still playing locally for most of the time to hone my skills - definitely don't want to get pwned when I play against others. I don't have to win every game, just not something like 0 win and 50 losses (well, i wouldn't mind a winning record either). I think I can pull off many of the tricks - but still needs some practices with dekes.

The game is a bit hectic in nature - as in any other Mario sports games/Mario Kart - but in a fun way. Many blogs/forums mentioned that the single player mode is lacking, but I found it just fine. I did play 2 games online - 1W 1L. I think I actually need to do some homework to counter some of the more commonly used tricks (my first opponent exploited on the teleport into the goal trick couple times... Lame. The 2nd opponent i think was a newbie like me so the game was more evenly matched).

Most importantly, if you also bought this game, leave me a comment and let me know your Friend Code (for the game... well, wouldn't mind your Wii FC as well). Here's my info:

Wii Friend Code: 3195-7945-8157-9195
Mario Strikers Charged Friend Code: 365179-336423

Aug 6, 2007

List of Upcoming Wii and DS Games that Interest Me

Got a couple e-mails earlier about upcoming Wii games so I figured I might as well assemble my own list for the rest of 2007. At least then I can "try" budgeting for them. =D

First up - Wii! At $50 a piece, we have the following must-buy titles (in no particular order...well except for Mario Galaxy and Fire Emblem):

1. Super Mario Galaxy - 11/12
2. Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn - 11/5
3. Trauma Center: First Blood - 11/15
4. Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 - 11/15
5. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - Released ($30 only)
6. Dewy's Adventure - 9/6
7. Bleach - Shattered Blade - 10/11
8. Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaro's Treasure 10/18

And the following list for highly-likely titles:
1. Super Smash Brothers: Brawl - 12/3
2. Mercury Meltdown Revolution - 9/26 (should be a budget title)

And the following for "when I have the cash":
1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 8/27
2. MySims - 9/20 (unless Animal Crossing comes out first)
3. Simpsons - To lazy to lookup the date

Gosh - 8 games on the must-buy list!? I am definitely contributing big part to the gaming industry. And what's up with November? Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Trauma Center AND Rayman all coming out in the same month!?

Back to the DS side. The good thing is that DQ IV,V,VI and IX won't be ready until next year, as well as FF IV, FF Tactics A2 and FFCC. The bad thing is that there are still a few games to buy. Here's my A list:

1. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 10/1
2. Luminous Arc - 8/14
3. FF XII: Revenant Wings - Nov
4. Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village - Dec

Tier 2 in the DS Group:
1. Bleach: Blade of Fate - 10/9
2. Heroes of Mana - 8/14
3. Brain Age 2 - 8/20

For DS, everything other than Zelda is contingent on me finishing up Etrian Odyssey. That game is a perfect gift for RPG grinder like me. Hohohoho...

So overall, roughly $700 would cover my gaming expenses for 2007... :P