Nov 29, 2005

Taking a Break

Post will be sparse at least till Christmas - as it is officially crunch time at work. Today I left my apartment at 8:48am. When I stepped across the door tonight, it was already 10:00pm. The sad thing is that this trend probably would continue up till next week.

Haven't line up all the peer-QA yet - no idea where I would find the resources at the moment. Oh well~

Let see if I can find the bulk of my project by Sunday afternoon. If so, that would leave me in a better position. Though most likely the "Add to Favorites" functionality won't be done this week since Scott is in training and I really need someone from the Workbench to help with the actual coding.

Back to looking at codes~

Nov 22, 2005

Lunch Tale

I mentioned to Herman over the weekend that I've never blog about our lunch group and I thought it'd make an interesting post. So here it is:

On most work days, two of my co-workers and I would go out for lunch. Despite the fact that there are quite some number of restaurants around my office, we always end up in a few of them only. Mainly this is due to the fact that:

1. Me eliminating all Mexicans and sub-shops. Those who know me from college shouldn't be surprise about my disliking of Mexicans. My genes and Mexican food simply refuse to get along on any average day. I did have Mexican for lunch for a few times since I moved to Madison. This is probably because I now have a quota system in place - once every month or two months would be okay. (This year's quota have been used up thanks to the triple Mexican lunchs/dinner I had in August).

I don't like sub as well - so no Subways or Milio's either. The only exception being PotBelly, which kinda surprise myself as well. I think one of the main reasons why I don't like them is that I simply can't stand Mayo or mustard - the thought of these just makes me shivers. Period.

2. Phil doesn't like Asian that much (which is minor when compare to my hostility toward Mexicans). Though I think Herman and I are converting him a little at least toward Rice Cafe.

3. Herman doesn't have any cuisine in particular that he doesn't like - they simply have to be "budget" friendly.

So among the three of us, we pretty much eliminate 50 - 75% of the lunch places in town. It's sad~~~ :P

Nov 20, 2005

Another Saturday

At least I got my sleep today, --looking at clock--, or yesterday I should say. As soon as I got home on Friday evening, I was summoned by my bed and slipped into a 15+ hours sleep. Though I do remember waking up a few times throughout the night because of the heater. But still, I don't think I did anything that exhausting at work in the past couple days. Maybe it's all the meetings I've been attending over the past few days. Now I have a new excuse not to go to meetings. ***Note to self: Do not go to office on Monday morning...You're suppose to go to Alliant Energy Center for the monthly staff meeting***

Oh, this week the move schedule for us has been finalized. The web team will be moving to the new campus on 12/15. Not the best timing since the development deadline is 12/22 and I expect getting nothing done on the move day so that's a day lost. But nonetheless I am excited about the move - hopefully having my own office in a brand new building! We'll be moving into Building 1 (Andromeda...and yes, each building does have its own name) and will be the sole occupants until the admin/sales/RFP/demo move-in Mid-Jan. Oh Yeah!

Along this line, I will probably move closer to the new campus once my current lease runs out (which is the end of this year). Although it takes pretty much the same time from my current apartment to my current/future office, I've been staying at this apartment for 2 yrs already. And that's 1 yr too long. :) So start the apartment hunting!

Nov 15, 2005

New Blog Title

Goodbye, EMP 5488! You served me well in the past year, but now I need a new title for this blog to match my mood. So in case you haven't notice, this blog now has a new title - Pointless Sentiments. Don't even bother to ask why I picked this name because I have no idea what-so-ever on how I end up with this name. I only know it kinda start out with the word "sentimental" and every thing from there is all pitch black.

I do know how I come up with the old title though - it was my employee id here. Since I know there must be people out there searching for co-workers' blog ( me), I now feel the urge to hide behind some fake name like 'Pointless Sentiments' so they won't login to SDE and look up my real name when they're bored at work.

P.S. Okay, it appears that JC knows about the owner of the blog is but he's sworn to secrecy. He stirred up my curiosity and now I am more interested to find out than ever.

First Snow of the Year

It started getting freezingly cold over the weekend so it is inevitable. And there it is tonight - our very first snow of the year. I think it was sooner than last year but I don't quite remember when it started snowing last year. One thing I do remember is that last winter, my office have no heat. Each morning Michael and I tried to figure out if that thing next to the light swithc is indeed a thermostat so we can turn up the heat and avoid turning into a popsicle. Unfortunately, you can tell we didn't have much success when he started referring to our office as the 'Iceberg'. This year, however, the situation is much improved. In fact, I think my office is one of the warmer ones in this side of the building. (Oh...since we are on the topic, before Erica and Renee moved in to the Iceberg, the air conditioning is so screwed up that it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer!) But of course, the next best thing would be getting the news that we are ready to move to the new campus. Still no updates as of now. Sigh.

Time for a new start

I know it was meant to be this way from the beginning, so best wishes!

-- Let me have a bit less worry and a bit more courage --


Monday was Jasper's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday! I kinda feel bad since she always remembers mines. So, I offer to buy dessert buffet next time I am back in HK (maybe drinks afterward too), how 'bout that? (Though you really should print this post out if you are taking up the offers... wakakakaka And for those who don't know me long enough, chances like this are like winning lotto jackpot)

P.S. I am debating March/April slot vs Nov/Dec slot with the Nov/Dec edging higher by a 10-pt margin or so.

That's why I don't like change

Because you lose things when you change things around. I've lost all the custom things I've done to my previous template because I did a Clear Edit > Save Template Change combo. That Clear Edit was not intentional, I was hoping to see if it'll revert my blog to the old template style. Not only it didn't do that, but instead it removes my custom changes to this template. Darn it! I'll mess with it later.

Anyway, tonite I feel like I'm in blogging mode.

Nov 14, 2005


there is something else that I want to write about, but now I totally forgot. Oh well~

Flow of time

Age came up in during an ICQ discussion tonight - it was also a topic between one of my high school buddies last time we talked on the phone. During the chat, he mentioned that we are approaching the late-20s. Man, it's such a dreaded term and sounds real frightening. I mean, I am at 26 now and looking back in the past six years or so, what really have I done!?

From time to time, I'd ask myself if my life turns out the way I want it to be. Yet, I can find no satisfactory answers. I think I understand what I should be doing - but whether those are things that I really want to be doing - I really don't know. And of course there are times when I would ask myself what the heck I am doing because I simply have no clue.

One thing I am sure of - I think i am getting to the stage where I am being more aware of my age. You can feel that time is slipping through your fingers, it's inevitable no matter how hard you try to grasp it.

[To all genius scientists out there in the world, now (or at least within the next year or two) would be the perfect time to find the solution on how to stop aging. Thank you very much.]