Nov 7, 2007

And the gaming blog continues....

Really nothing much to update otherwise... Probably will return to blogging world next year since the deadline's coming up at the end of this month and I'll be on vacation in December.

Anyway... Considering the fact that it's not even a year since I bought my Wii, I realized tonight that I pretty much buy a game per month (that's not even counting the DS ones). Here's Game #11 in my collection:

Luckily, I did manage to finish the main story mode in Zack and Wiki (by the way, it's a great game. For only $40, every Wii owner should get a copy...kakakaka) so I can actually start FE right away. Probably go back to Z&W from time to time to do more treasure hunts and try getting to 100% completion.

Game #12 will be coming next week; follow by Game #13 and perhaps #14... November is definite not a good month. :P