Aug 28, 2006


幫一個 friend 整佢個 blog 時聽到 e 首一峰的歌, 正正正正正...
希望佢快 d 出碟啦~ 雖然首歌已經收錄於 W X M - W Theatre x Michael Tsang Music Collection ?面...但始於都係成隻都係一峰好~ kakaka

曲/編:Michael Tsang 詞:林一峰

曾聽過幾句情歌 給我多少寄望
期待遇上一個 建築小小童話國
世界不會停頓片刻 給我空間去面對結果

誰伴我 誰是我心魔
誰令我 看清每一張臉 沒有非愛不可
誰負我 誰為我更多

曾唱過幾句情歌 於快感中碰撞
平衡就算快將失去 都不算甚麼
試過幾次盲目探險 死蔭幽谷裡沒法翻身

開心過 沉默過
也犧牲過 結果......

仍記得幾句情歌 能為我雪中送火

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones

Borrowed the GBA game from King Snort a while ago - around July 4th weekend because Vincent came up soon after and borrowed the Castlevania that I had borrowed from King Snort together with FE earlier.

After 3 consecutive weekends at StarBucks (4.5 hrs, 3.5hrs, 3hrs - my game time's improving), I finally felt like I've completed the game. I actually finished the last chapter a while back already, but there are all these special characters you can get in the game "after" you've beaten the game - and that's pretty much what took so much time.

Try bidding for Daigasso Band Brothers on eBay over the weekend as well - got out-bid by some other user - too bad. The other game that I had my eyes on, Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!, its bid price skyrocketted and I don't think it's worth that much money for a used copy (~$29 + $10 shipping, but a new copy at YesAsia only costs $45). I guess I'll wait till my trip back home to pick up these two games (though an English version of Ouendan is coming out in Oct/Nov).

While browsing on eBay, I noticed that tons of stuff are sold by users who are in Hong Kong. Their price is fairly reasonable I would say (around $30 bucks), however, the shipping cost is ridiculously expensive, some going as high as 50% of the price. Unbelievable. I was tempted to e-mail to seller to ask what will the shipping be if I want to have him send it to my parent's place in HK. Then have my parents send the game over and cut the shipping cost.

DNA also bought a DSL earlier - now only if there's a good game that support WiFi (besides Mario Kart...kakakaka)

Tons of games coming out this Fall, the ones I am interested include:
Mario Hoops 3-on-3
Final Fantasy III
Children of Mana
Elite Beat Agent (English version of Ouendan)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Cooking Mama (oh btw, I probably should pick up Shaberu! DS Oryori Navi this December too)
Harvest Moon DS
Touch Detective (which reminds me that Kaitou Rousseau probably would be a good game for Konphused - simply because it needs drawing skills...XDD)
Magical Starsigns
Bomberman Land Touch! (WiFi! WiFi! WiFi!)

That's of course, not counting the Wii (probably Zelda at launch, Rayman as well, Wario looks fun too.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) So wouldn't mind if some of the DS games get pushed back - as long as it's not FF III (wakakaka)

Aug 7, 2006

Busy Weekend

350 miles in one day - exhausting. Too tired to write up all the weekend activities now. So for the time being, here's the brief version:

Won a Monopoly game, it really has been a while since I won one - Petoria FTW!

Trivia Pursuit (sp?) - *** wordless *** Why did KingSnort and MyEvilInsideYou always get the easy Fads questions!?!?

Red Robin - Long drive. Yes - a Civic coupe CAN seat 5 ppl. What do you mean there's not enough room? I have plenty of room in my driver's seat.

Ong-Bak - I still think it's kinda all-hyped. Yeah the martial arts are good, but nothing really "wow" me.


Gas - Dim Sum - Haircut - (Getting Expensive) - IKEA... there goes another $100+ from this month's budget.

IKEA has the new 2007 catalog - I grabbed three.

After I finished typing the above, I kinda like the format - so don't know if i'll ever fill in the details....hohohohoho~~~