Apr 30, 2006

Aloe, Yoyo and Chocolate Gold Coins

Need to figure out what to do with an Aloe!

Anyway, last Friday was the annual anniversity dinner. As Herman would say, one really can't say no to free dinner. The food was better than last year - at least the menu was different this time. The last menu we had, I think we had that for several occasions last year and maybe the year before (can't really remember). So it's good to have something new. Unfortunately, the same wasn't true for dessert. Last year they had a marvelous pudding thingy that was delicious. Not this year - we had an okay mousse cake . I guess one can't have everything perfect.

Judy spoke during the dinner - really can't remember when was the last time she spoke to the whole company. Our monthly meeting became bi-monthly ever since we out-grew the Westgate theater. And they've unexpectedly cancelled the Feburary one as well. So it really has been a while.

Entertainment is much better as well - really liked the fake news. Simply put - it was hilarious. (note to self: Gotto remember to tell Rick that).

The gift this year were an Aloe plant, a Yo-yo and 3 chocolate coins, which was pretty clever because the Aloe represents "Do Good" (I guess we are supposed to plant it...but where the heck am I going to plant it!?!? Perhaps I'll bring it back to work tomorrow to see if anyone wants it) The Yo-yo is for "Have Fun" and the chocolate coins - "Make money". All three combined will be the company's mission statement: "Do Good, Have Fun, Make Money". =)

Apr 25, 2006

Brace Yourself

Many people know that I am a Sony fan-boy. However, have I mention that something managed to knock Sony VAIO off the top of my list of must-buy-if-I-have-the-cash gadgets? (Well, though it's not really off the list, but at least a few spot lower...)

Oh...by the way, I remember to post about this just because I can't post comment to my friend's blog without registering. I can officially add Multiply to the list of sites that I hate (kakaka).

The current gadget that I am drooling over...

Is it May yet...

Totally broke x1000000000~

Not in a good mood tonight - I think I'll hit the bed early (um... Let see if this actually works for once). Too bad King Snort ask my dinner plan at around 5:30pm, otherwise, I could soooooooooo use a full course meal to indulge myself tonight~

P.S. I saw a Medium-sized "I can only please one person per day shirt" at Target over the weekend, let's just hope that they won't sold out... *finger crossed*

I Guess It's Convenient for Them

But definitely not for me:


Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 10:00am-12:30pm, 4:00pm-6:00pm;
Sat, Sun: Closed

Unlike the post-office, which I also need to go, I can't even go to pick up my package early before I go to work.

I guess someone can finally have Mexican for lunch tomorrow~~~

Apr 16, 2006

Shopping time....well, almost...

This month I am broke so have to wait till next month (only 15 days till pay day!) And since I won't be back to HK this summer, I'll have to settle for getting my summer clothes here in the States - which pretty much will fall back to jeans and tees only. One can seldom go wrong with this combo. Though I have to say that sometimes it's rather difficult to find the right cutting and size. "S" is definitely not the most popular size here. :P

It's also unfortuate that Bauhaus' internet store isn't ready yet, otherwise I might pick up something from there as well. I start liking the brand since the last time I went back to HK. The style/cutting is quite unique so I don't have to worry about seeing other wearing the same outfit. :)

I also noticed that I am more willing to spend money on clothes while I was in HK. Is it because of the currency (USD $1 roughly equals HKD $7.7 for those who don't know the exchange rate)? Maybe somehow I convinced myself that it's okay to buy more expensive stuff while on vacation? No problem forking over HKD $300 for a shirt in HK; but paying USD $40, I'll probably pass.

Oh, another thing to mention is that Banana Republic has relinquished its top spot on my list (now that spot remains open). I used to like this brand a lot, but lately (well, for the past couple seasons), I just couldn't find any I really like.

P.S. Looking for sleeveless hoodie online... if you see one, let me know...

A Rainy Easter Sunday

...which makes it a perfect day to sleep in. Actually I was only awake for 5 or 6 hours so far today. Temperature-wise, it's getting a lot warmer recently - finally start to feel like spring/summer.

Apr 10, 2006

I Need Ideas!

Just realize that I need to send back a reply to one of my co-worker's wedding invition. I don't think I'll be going to the ceremony/banquet - just because I probably don't know anyone there (i think there'll be some i know/recognize from work, but not close enough that I can "hang out" with during the whole thing). However, I do intend to get them a gift - so if you have any ideas, drop a comment here or IM me. =)

First Holiday Coming Up

Since New Year's Day fell on a Sunday this year (one extra day added to my vacation days, so no complaint), this coming Friday will be my first day off this year. Technically speaking, it's not a "day-off" since we only have 1/2 day for Good Friday. Regardless, that's better than nothing.

Still no plan for the "extended" weekend yet. I thought about going down to Chicago to get a haircut. However, Vicky's busy with company convention stuff and Eric needs to work & couldn't drive up. So I don't know if there's anything to do. :p

Belinda mentioned that there is a soccer tournament in Lafayette this coming weekend, but driving all the way to Purdue seems a bit far (~4.5 hrs) - not to mention that I am kinda broke right now (as usual).

Bummer~ let see if anything comes up over the next couple days~

Misc. Updates Part I

It's been a while (again) since my last update - so let me just put up some random things in here.

Things once again start to pick up at work and pretty much can only get busier till the end of June...oh the joy~

Four of the six buildings in the new campus is now occupied - include the 1st and 2nd floor of the building that my team's in. That cuts down my hike from the parking garage to my office dramatically - if I can find a parking space close to the elevator that it. It finally started looking like a "corporate headquarter" now. Unfortunately, the inner court is still pretty barren (though "Lake Epic" is always a sight!) at the moment, since there are still constructions going on with Building 3 (Commons building) and Building 5. It'll be nice to see what whole thing looks like once the construction/landscaping is done.

Just for fun, I grab King Snort a few weeks ago to take some pictures of the arts they "moved" from our old campus. I have to admit some of them are quite funny. Here are a few of them:

Got a couple more, probably should get a Flickr, but simply too lazy to do so... :P