Apr 29, 2007

上表! 上表呀!

I finally found it, albeit it's only mp3 and not a movie file, the seventh act in the Chinese opera 帝女花 - 上表. I remembered seeing this act (probably on TV from one of its re-runs) when I was small. However, in recent years, the 帝女花 that I've seen didn't include this act (even in the DVD that I got from someone, this scene's been cut). I am suspecting maybe it doesn't fit the 2-hr slot if the full version is broadcast? Or all 8 acts won't fit on a single DVD? If something has to go, I have to agree that 上表 is the only act that can be cut without affecting the story line (In case you are curious, the acts are 樹盟, 香劫, 乞屍, 庵遇, 相認, 迎鳳, 上表 and 香夭). I mean, you really can't jump from getting married in 樹盟 to finding the princess's dead body in 乞屍. =P

Although it's not as well known as 香夭, in my opinion, it's still a very fun act to watch and contains a feisty act between 周世顯/長平 and 清帝.













(寶倫口古)嘻嘻...皇上,我想宮主上表,無非係拜謝皇上再生之德,此乃先朝 嘅沿例,宮主對宮規儀範都未敢稍忘。






(清帝口古)周駙馬,試問歷代興亡有幾多個新君能夠體恤前朝帝女呢,我好想知道如果你地宮主見到香車迎接 嘅時候,相信佢一定喜從天降啦卦。




























(清帝口古)唏,你請宮主先入朝,再行下詔,庶民都尚可以一言九鼎,何況我是一國 嘅君王呢。(白)駙馬,你代傳口諭,快傳宮主上殿。





(清帝覺奇介口古)宮主,駙馬入朝之時,面帶愁容,眼中有淚,何以宮主入朝,反會一笑嫣然,未有些微 嘅悲創。

















(清帝口古)嘻嘻...長平宮主,你所要求嘅事我都同你做完叻,你應該與駙馬立刻成婚,免負兩旁 嘅儀杖。



P.S. I think Google just gave me the answer! The one I saw when I was young probably was the 76 version by 龍劍笙 and 梅雪詩. And the ones I saw in recent years were the 59 version by 任白.

Apr 16, 2007

The DS game you should get in May

Oops - totally forgot that I was talking about the BEST DS game in my last post. Its sequel is coming on May 17th. MUST...IMPORT...GAME...

Stick Stick Chicken

*I giggle every time I say this in my head*

In preparation of the TRUE sequel to one of the best DS games (if not THE best), I was surfing YouTube for various Japanese MTVs. One of the songs is Tentai Kansoku (天体観測) by the JRock band Bump of Chicken. It is a nice song and you can find its MTV here: Bump Of Chicken - Tentai Kansoku

I was looking for more info about the band and such. It was then when I came across the creative translation by our Taiwanese friends: 棒棒雞 (stick stick chicken)!? I got this when I follow up with a search:


“棒棒雞”原為四川樂山地區的傳統風味小吃﹐二十年代傳入成都﹐已入名饌冷碟之列。因樂山古稱“嘉定” 故此菜多以“嘉定棒棒雞”聞名于世。

1. 嫩雞一只﹐
2. 蔥白絲適量。
3. 芝麻醬﹑紅油辣椒﹑糖﹑麻醬油﹑花椒粉等各適量。

1. 將淨雞以繩纏住腿翅﹐肉厚處以竹扦打眼﹐下湯鍋中煮熟﹐撈起晾涼。
2. 用特制的小木棒將雞脯肉﹑雞腿肉輕輕拍松﹐撕成絲入盤﹐外圍以蔥白絲。
3. 將調料和勻調成味汁﹐澆在雞絲上即成。

1. 首先妙在煮雞。煮前要用麻繩纏上腿翅厚處用竹扦打眼﹐使湯水充分滲透﹐以文火徐徐煮沸﹔
2. 二是以特制的木棒將煮熟的雞肉拍松﹐撕成粗絲入盤﹐利于調料入味﹔
3. 三是以眾多調料調成的味 汁﹐澆于雞絲上﹐使雞絲分外鮮美香嫩﹐有濃郁的香甜﹑麻辣味。

Food & JRock? I didn't think combining those would be possible... =.=
Anyway, the song really is good and for those interested in knowing the lyrics, the following's from LyricsWiki.org. Chinese lyrics from a random blog I searched up:

淩晨兩點 平交道前 我扛著望遠鏡
緊在皮帶上的收音機 看來不會下雨
兩分鐘後你來了 背著誇張的一堆行李
開始吧 天體觀測 來尋找慧星

努力不讓自已被吞噬進 深深的黑暗

那一天 我想要握你 顫抖的手
為了看見看不到的東西 窺向望遠鏡裏
撕開寂靜 產生了好多聲音 縱使明日呼喚著我們
也不曾認真回應 我和你兩人在追逐著

那顆名叫”現在”的慧星 不知不覺裏

總是在一心尋覓著某些東西 它或許是幸福的定義
或許是存放傷心的地方 從誕生的一該到死亡
始終在尋覓 來 開始吧 天體觀測 來尋找慧星
至今曾經找到過的東西 我全都沒忘記
包括沒能握到 你那顫抖的手的痛心

為了看見看不到的東西 窺向望遠鏡裏

尋找著微弱的光芒 彷佛可以把黑暗照亮

當時因此認識的痛 至今我依舊記得
如今我依然在獨自追逐 那顆名叫”現在”的慧星

隨著個子長高 有更多事情想要傳達給你知道
沒有收信人的信 感覺也有如崩潰般的 沈重

我現在過得很好 需要擔心的事情也少 只是有件事
至今依然會想起 在天氣預報沒有預測到的雨中

你那泫然欲泣 一雙顫抖的手 那一天 我沒能握到
看漏了 看得見的事情 再次扛起了望遠鏡 穿過了

寂靜與黑暗的歸途 當時所認識的痛

至今依舊是我的支柱 如今我依然在獨自追逐

那顆名叫”現在”的慧星 想要再次見到你
再次扛起了望遠鏡 和以前一樣 淩晨兩點
來到平交道前 開始吧 天體觀測 即使兩分鐘後你沒來
那顆叫”現在”的慧星 我也要和你兩人一起追逐

Trip to Indy

Just got back from a weekend get away to Indy - wasn't for any special occasion or anything, but I haven't been there for a while (since I graduated) and since my brother is working in Indy, I figured I'd pay him a visit.

Although the drive is considered manageable for many, a 6-hr drive is definitely not in my book. Instead, I chose to fly - I tried Midwest Airlines this time and I think my impression is mixed. I think I'll try flying to Kansas City with them next time to get a better idea. Kansas City is another Midwest hub - so the flight from Milwaukee to Kansas City is one of their Signature flights. I've heard good things so I will be looking forward.

Back to this trip.

It didn't start out too well when my flight leaving Madison departs at 525p Friday afternoon and I didn't get to the airport until like 455p. Fortunately/unfortunately (depending on how you see it), my flight from Milwaukee to Indy got canceled and they have to re-book me to NWA which departs at 630p. I also got "selected" by the airline to do additional screening (also my first time to get selected). I didn't have much carry-on luggage with me (just a couple set of clothes since I didn't want to check my bag) so the experience wasn't too bad. Strangely speaking, if I were going to HK, I wouldn't even have any carry-on luggage. Um...

Nothing exciting happened while in Indy beside hanging out with my brother and DNA. So I'll fast forward...XDD

DNA and I were meeting up for lunch Sunday afternoon at Circle Center. Just as my brother and I arrived at Circle, I got a call from Midwest asking if I can postpone my flight to Monday morning instead. Apparently they got a plane "downgrade" and the new plane can't accommodate all the bookings. They were willing to offer a free round-trip ticket in return. I have to admit it was pretty tempting (hey, the ticket to Indy cost me $300; I wouldn't mind using the free ticket for places like San Fran). Unfortunately the Monday flight departs at 730a, which means by the time I get back to Madison, it'll probably be 9:30 or 10:00. Since I don't feel like taking half a day off, I turned down the offer. If the flight was something later the day, I'd probably take the offer.

Next he asked me if I could check in online because the available seats will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. Well, let see, I probably could check in online, if you call me AN HOUR earlier! Bad! He finally advised me to get to the airport at 4 (when the counter opens for check-in) to make sure I get my seat. At that point, I did ask myself maybe it's better to stick with United :P (Note to self: Need to get a 3G plan so at least I can surf with my phone)

Eventually I gave in and called Konphused back in Madison to help me check in. When I got to the airport, the couple who checked in after me took the last two spots. The ground staff was saying that there were probably 8 or 9 people who can't make it. Lucky me! ;)

Oh one last note, I flew in a non-jet plane - which was also my first time. An interesting experience indeed. My brother is thinking about moving back to Chicago and DNA will be leaving Indy as well, this might be my last trip to Indy? Time will tell. :P

Apr 1, 2007

Dinner at Ginza

The name should be obvious enough what kind of restaurant it is, but just in case, it's Japanese restaurant in Madison (with 3 different branches!). It's pretty much the only Japanese restaurant that King Snort and MyEvilInsideYou will go to. And that's only because they have hibachi dinners which to them don't look/taste like other Japanese food.

Having dined there for a couple times, I would say that I didn't enjoy tonight's dinner at all. The food is okay, but the service pretty much was non-existent. It took the waiter forever to take our orders, Sahana's orders were mixed/messed up, he didn't check with us often enough during our meal, we didn't get our steam rice until all the hibachi food were served up (though the other group whom we sat with got their rice right away), etc. In short, nothing felt right. If the tip was not split between the waiter and the cook, I don't know if I would leave a tip at all.

Hopefully the next time we eat there, the service would be better.

Oh - before and after dinner we played Mahjong. I think they are much better at how to score points now (King Snort did erred once and thought he had enough point to win. He had two but unfortunately our minimum is at 3). Soon enough I'll have them playing the Taiwanese style... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha...