Jan 24, 2011

Like Last Year, I Have a Team to Root for in the SuperBowl

Since Green Bay made it to the Super Bowl this year, this makes my decision very easy. :D

On the other hand, I just realized today that I really don't have much love (like ever) for the Chicago Bears. This is quite puzzling to me. I mean, supposedly, Chicago is the city that I've known/have connection for longest ever since I moved to the States: it was my port of entry when I first moved here; I studied 2 years of middle school in a Chicago suburb before moving back to HK to continue my high school; and then again for 12th grade before I head to college in Indiana; another year after college before I started working in Madison... Yet I was quite indifferent to all the Chicago-based sports team (I was never a sports guy).

My current theory is that probably because I knew nothing about football during those time. Actually the football that I grew up with, you actually kick the ball (hey, I grew up in a British colony). It wasn't until college that I started watching "American football" (courtesy of my dorm-mates/roommates). But of course by then, the team that I cared most about was our college football team. And since I went to Purdue, the NFL team to root for would be the Indianapolis Colts.

So here's my NFL team allegiance at the moment:
1. Any team that Drew Brees plays. Purely for sentimental reasons. Did I not mention that I learn the rules of football by watching him play at Purdue? I also remembered rushing down the field (twice) in the year he led us to the Rose Bowl - once against Michigan or Ohio State and the other against IU (Great memories - but surprising my football watching roommates didn't go to any game that season even though they have the season ticket).
2. Packers - I do live in Wisconsin now
3. Indy - I did go to a school in Indiana for 5.5 years after all

Jan 16, 2011

There's tequila in it? Even Better

Ever since the cupcake place opened in Hilldale, it's always hard for me to not stop in after a Saturday/Sunday lunch at HK Wok to pick up a few. The problem? They're not cheap at $3 apiece. However, since I haven't had them for a while (as I was not in the States last month), I figured I'll pick up a few today and bring them to work for snacking purpose.

Baker: So how many of them would you like?
Me: Um... 3
Baker: Alright. Are they for here or to go.
Me: To go
Baker: So you said you want the Strawberry Margarita, right?
Me: Yes
Baker: There's tequila in it, you know?
Me: Even better.

Definitely looking forward to it. On the other hand, I am still waiting to try their lemon one.

Jan 15, 2011

Vacation Planning for this Year

This past vacation, a number of people were surprised that I still haven't took my sabbatical yet (since I've been telling them about it for like a couple years). Well, people shouldn't be surprised. After all, it's me and it usually takes forever for me to decide on anything.

Anyway, the sabbatical is probably going to happen this year. One main reason is that I've been working at the same company for 7+ years, and that means my 2nd sabbatical opportunity would be coming up. Need to use up the first one first. :p

So the option right now is either July to Europe or December to Australia. December in Aus has a certain appeal - summer in December! And that would also mean that my annual trip back home would like be in July. So two summer vacation in a year - that's definitely a big plus.

There will be a gathering in Chicago in August with buddies from college. We'll be celebrating a cutie's 1 year old birthday as well as meeting another new baby for the first time. Since it's only in Chicago, chances are that I probably don't have too much planning to do for that.

Another benefit of taking my sabbatical in December is that I can use my flex holiday (or is it floating holiday) on the Friday after Thanksgiving. That would give me a long weekend in November. Since my parents most likely won't be in the States this year during that time, I probably will be free to travel. Current plan - Orlando. Earlier today it was Hawaii, but Orlando might be a better fit right now.

So all these trips are back-loaded: July, August, November and December. Now I just need to find something after Feb 17th. :)

P.S. And this makes post #3 this year. Hey I'm not too far from meeting my New Year resolution!


Looking back, I really didn't blog that much last year - a mere 3 posts for the whole year. Hopefully this year will be different and there will be more posts (shouldn't be too difficult considering that this is already post #2 for this year).

I really think that i need a quicker method of blogging. There were numerous occasions where I had something that I want to blog about, but when I finally have the time to sit in front of a computer and log into Blogger, I no longer what to write about whatever I wanted to blog about earlier. Maybe I should switch over to twitter... Mwahahahaha...

Anyway, let me make blogging more often one of this year's resolution. Let see how long before I give up. :P


邊本星座運程書批我今年工作上會有轉變? 如果有咁批嘅話就中了 (雖然唔係轉工咁大件事)。

A curve ball is definitely thrown my way this past Friday and I'll need some time to think about this. 感覺上會係一個幾大嘅轉變, 尤其係要放低做咗咁多年嘅 product。與止同時,我亦唔可以否認佢係一個非常吸引我嘅 proposition ﹣ 尤其係當依家做緊嘅野基本上上咗軌道,人手上亦唔似以前得我一個人事咁。


P.S. 睇得明嘅朋友唔好係非死不可留 comments... 基本上咁大篇都係中文係有原因嘅... XD