May 25, 2009

Finally another blog entry in 2+ months

Well, blogging definitely took a back seat so far this year. This is like, the 3rd/4th post of the year.

First off, let's blog about work - since the work/lift balance scale is heaviliy tilted toward the work side. Things have been extremely busy in the previous months. Endless requests + Limited resources = Lots of OTs. Hopefully as this development cycles in wrapping up (still got couple more issues to fix), and new ones won't start until mid-summer/fall (please, no "surprise" in between), things should start to get better (finger-crossed).

Another exciting news from work is having a new developer on the team. For a loooooong time, I've been the only full-time developer on my product (and i do claim the title of THE XXXXXX developer in the company... hahaha). With the re-org late last year, my team had to give up the other half-time developer, but luckily got a full-time in exchange (can't imagine developing on my own for this release - well, actually I could, but i don't want to think about it). That brought the number up to 2. Still means I had to scramble for resources for each of our projects - which always causes headaches and frustrations.

On May 4th, another developer joined our team. I think the whole was pretty excited. As for me, not having to worry about finding additional resources is always a plus (well, my TL actually should be happier - since she wouldn't have to hear me complaining... XD). I could definitely see projects flow a lot smoother and quicker in the next cycle. Might be a headache for QA; but for now R&D is happy. :D

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