On the other hand, my sabbatical most likely will not happen this year. For those who don't know, my company offers a 4-weeks sabbatical leave for every 5-years of service (Sometimes, i can't imagine having worked here, the same company, for 5+ years already. Many college/high-schools friends have switched jobs, even multiple times. In certain sense, I think I'm quite lucky that I found a company that matched quite well with me. Oh, back to sabbatical). They would also pay for airfare (include a companion) and up to 20-days (or 21... forgot the exact number) of lodging cost (i think it's 150/day). England is a front-runner for me at the moment, but not 100% sure yet.
I could also break the 4-wk into two 2-wk trips (taken 18-months apart). So that's another question i have to think about. Should i take it all at once, or two mini-trips instead? Um...