Jul 22, 2007

Harry Potter 7 - Done!

Yup - done.

Finished the book in a single reading, and it took me approximately nine and a half hour. I think the book is really good, better than the Half Blood Prince - the plot is fast-pace and tense, not too many dull moments throughout the book. I think mainly because there are a lot of grounds to cover in the book. It would also make a very good movie even if they only cover the major battles. There were couple times when I caught myself thinking that I'd love to see this scene in the movie.

Quite a few characters died and i will spare you from any spoiler (at this moment...ka ka ka) Many of them i felt indifferent actually, but when one of the characters died toward the end I was quite sad to see he/she/it/whatever go.

Knowing that there will be no more Potter coming kinda saddens me, but if that's what Rowling planned, I guess we'll have to be content with it. It's been like, 10 years (?) of Harry Potter, like many reviews out there, I too felt that the Deathly Hallow is indeed a good closure.

P.S. Now I just have to find my Book 5 and 6. I know I bought them, but just couldn't find them.

P.P.S. I kinda feel sorry for the Starbucks - for less than $6, I pretty much sat there all afternoon/evening (230 - 9). XD


Jasper222 said...

i'm only 1/6 done..... a bit too zzzz... should start it earlier and finish it during the wkend... but oh well.... but agree with you, pace is a lot better than previous 6 books - at least 1st 100pages aren't BORED if u know what i mean :D

Jasper222 said...

so now i'm finally done - which one you were referring?? :P