Jan 16, 2007

HK Post #1: 快要失踪了的蓮蓉飽

My family is a dim sum family (well, at least my parents are). I think 9.5 out of 10 days I ended up going to dim sum for either breakfast/brunch. In my past two visits back home, I noticed that one of my all time favorite dim sum gradually disappeared from the menu!

Out of the so many kinds of buns available in a restaurant, my favorite is the 蓮蓉飽. And when there's a choice, I definitely prefer 白蓮容 over 黃蓮蓉. However, I found out that not that many restaurants has this anymore. They still have the 叉燒飽, 奶皇飽, 菜肉飽, 流沙飽... just not my 蓮蓉飽! I remember when I was young, the most abundant 飽 you can find any day in the restaurant are 叉燒 and 蓮蓉. From time to time, you would hope that they would have something other buns other than these. (Of course with the introduction of 點心紙, there aren't many chance where you can see those "push-carts"). So it's kind of sad that I only had my 蓮蓉飽 twice while I was in HK. I already where I had the first one (probably 美心皇宫 in Shatin coz I think my aunt was there). The other is all the way in Yuen Long 大榮華 (where the above pic was taken - normally it comes in 3 but I already finished one before I remembered to take a photo). And amazingly these were 白蓮蓉飽 - Yummy! :9 Hopefully next time I go back, they would still have them.

Side Note: the other thing I always ordered is 碗仔翅. Luckily, this is a more available item nowadays. I would say 8 out of 10 restaurants have it. Unfortunately, not the restaurants in Chinatown. :P

1 comment:

WittyBB said...

super love - 碗仔翅!!