Apr 10, 2006

Misc. Updates Part I

It's been a while (again) since my last update - so let me just put up some random things in here.

Things once again start to pick up at work and pretty much can only get busier till the end of June...oh the joy~

Four of the six buildings in the new campus is now occupied - include the 1st and 2nd floor of the building that my team's in. That cuts down my hike from the parking garage to my office dramatically - if I can find a parking space close to the elevator that it. It finally started looking like a "corporate headquarter" now. Unfortunately, the inner court is still pretty barren (though "Lake Epic" is always a sight!) at the moment, since there are still constructions going on with Building 3 (Commons building) and Building 5. It'll be nice to see what whole thing looks like once the construction/landscaping is done.

Just for fun, I grab King Snort a few weeks ago to take some pictures of the arts they "moved" from our old campus. I have to admit some of them are quite funny. Here are a few of them:

Got a couple more, probably should get a Flickr, but simply too lazy to do so... :P

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