Jul 11, 2005

Back to Normal - At least for a week or so

Just from what I did for the past 2 days (which is nothing), it's pretty obvious that my life is finally back to "normal". Back to HK late May till mid-June, then my mom came over to the States with me for 3 weeks for my brother's graduation ceremony. Unforutnately, my dad didn't feel like coming this time. Oh well~

But for the first two weeks while she was in the States, I drove down to Chicago every weekend to meet up with her (In reality, including my brother's ceremony, I made that trip between Madison and Chicago 3 times in 10 days). I really can't believed that I drove 1000+ miles in 10 days. Normally, I don't even drive 1k per month. (Did I mention that the oil-change-guy told me that I probably need to get new tires soon? I guess making all these trips definitely won't help. $$$$$)

She also came up to Madison and stayed with me for a week. To be honest, there really isn't anything better than coming home for lunch and found that it's already ready when you step inside the apartment. And when you're done, simply say Goodbye to mom and go back to work (wakakaka). We didn't do anything special - just wandering around Madison area. I did show her our new company campus (my first time too - well, not count last time when I got lost trying to find the new campus). I didn't realize how big our campus will be until I see the real thing. I would be very very disappointed if the Web team didn't get moved this coming Fall/Winter.

Anyway, back to the point. Now that my mom's gone and I am officially broke. I guess my life is finally getting back to what it used to be. Hopefully this calm period can last another week or two before we dive into the crunch period for our first deadline for the next development cycle.

1 comment:

Jasper222 said...

I like that "officially broke" - who isn't anyway?! XDDD

well, at least u're "back to normal" - for now - and hey - prepare to get that all screw up a month from now XDDDDDDD *i just got my ticket today so i'm also officially broke* XDDDDDD