Feb 2, 2005

What!? It's Thursday already!?!?

Time sure flies. I just realized that tomorrow is Thursday already. How did I spend the last three days. More importantly, what did I do at work? I faintly remember I did teach two classes on one of the day, but that only accounts for 4 - 5 hours. My workplan meeting this Friday would definitely be challenging.

Bad news at work - other team is doing some UI changes to their module. The changes will probably come chasing after me later this month or early next month - despite that fact that I am already overbooked at 300%.

I am supposed to teach another 2 hr class tomorrow. It wasn't until like 4pm this afternoon when I remembered this. Of course I haven't revise the PowerPoints and in-class exercises from 3 months ago. Hopefully, I'll come up with something to say tomorrow. (Or wish that all the attendees decide that they would take the day off instead of coming to work. Ha!)

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