Feb 12, 2005

Link! Jasper, link!

You know it won't do my blog any good if you don't include the link - mine will never surface to the top of the search engines! So, put a link in there! Wakakakaka~

<a href="http://uarzen.blogspot.com/">EMP 5488</a>

P.S. Did you ever googled your nick? Your blog was the 4th entry - probably because this blog alone has 2 links to it.

Lunch this week

Monday - skipped
Tuesday - Panda Express $5.48
Wednesday - Burger King $4.42
Thursday - Smoky Bones $15.00
Friday - Boston Market $6.32

In addition to the US government, my lunch is also costing me a fortune. Like my co-worker said, it's enough to get a console game. Maybe I should think about bringing lunch (though i can already foresee it'll be a totally failure - well, no harm in thinking)!

Countdown started...

I think i can officially start the count down to the 3/10 deadline. As of today, the outlook is not looking so well - which probably means starting next week, i'll be going into panic mode. Basically, my daily routine will look somthing like this: wake up > shower > work > lunch > more work > and yet more work > dinner > sleep > repeat. As a result, posting will be even more sparse. Sigh, I always wonder why this happens in almost every development cycle I've had so far.

On the side note, I did submit my vacation request today. On the form, we have to state how many vacation days we would have left at the end of the month which we take the vacation. It's kinda sad to see my days drop to a mere 0.04 And I do plan taking at least a half day some time this month - which mean i'll be going into the "hole". >_<

Another side note (since I am talking about vacation), my green card has expired for 3 months already. I think I need to stop procrastinating and get that taken care of. Otherwise, I'll be such a anti-climax when I arrive at the airport in May and the airline folks say, "I am sorry we can't let you on the plane because your green card has expired." Though it would be worse if they let me go out of the country but won't let me back in. Oh well, I guess I'll be helping out the US deficit (they are charging a fortune for the renewal if you don't know).

Feb 8, 2005

Bottling up the crazy

Bottling up the crazy: Haiku of Blah

I left my first blog comment on MooCow's blog today. Following other people's lead, I started my comment with a Haiku. Well - I believe it's a Haiku at least. His blog is definitely fun to read - trust me! Today I feel so empty when i click on the live-feed link in FireFox on Moo's blog but there's no new entry. Well, hopefully he'll come back on Thursday. =)

Oh the long wait...

Opened up my mailbox - Honda recall reminder (Yup, probably should take care of that next time I went to the dealer for an oil change - especially it's free); AE Rewards Catalog (Bathroom reading I guess); Electric bill (Yikes!) - still no title. Darn it!

But as I walked up the flight of stairs to my apartment, i saw this little Priority Mail envelop outside my apartment door. As expected, insides lies the car title (as well as the paid off notice from the bank) that i've been waiting since the beginning of the month. To be honest, it was kind of an anti-climax. It really wasn't as "nice" as I expected - but one way or the other, I won't be keeping this one for long. Tomorrow I'll leave work early and pay the Wisconsin DMV a visit to change both my title and plate to a Wisconsin one. Illionis has treated me well ever since I came to the States, but now is the time to move on! Onward with my wonderful and glorious life! (Real reason: The sticker on my license plate expired 8 days ago; I really can't afford another traffic ticket at the moment - not before my IRS tax return comes in later this month)

Spoiled & Butchered at the same day

First Monday of the month - doughnut day! Yum~~~

Anyway, that's not the point of this post. Today I picked up my 2nd monitor at work. Ahem...2nd LCD flat panel that is. It was really nice having one LCD opening up the tracking utility while the other monitor opens up VB or whatever else I need to have opened. Why can't I have 2 LCDs at home. Life is so unfair! On the side note, i did run out of desk space. So now all my binders are sitting on the floor. Though technically speaking, I do have an empty bookshelf sitting in my office right now. But that means if I need those files, I'll have to get up and take 2 steps to get to the bookshelf - Nah, too far~

After my company buttered me up with a nice monitor, I got butchered later in the afternoon. My code got broken - once again - by another team!!! Talk about the joy of doing cross-team projects. Did I mention the deadline was tomorrow at 8 a.m.!? It was such a "joy" digging through all the development images trying to find an open slot to do the fix. As a result, today is a 12-hour working day for me. Guess who's leaving early tomorrow (if nothing else come up that is)? I looked forward to the day where I can tell my friendly QA to mark their project "Dead on Arrival". Ha!

Feb 2, 2005

What!? It's Thursday already!?!?

Time sure flies. I just realized that tomorrow is Thursday already. How did I spend the last three days. More importantly, what did I do at work? I faintly remember I did teach two classes on one of the day, but that only accounts for 4 - 5 hours. My workplan meeting this Friday would definitely be challenging.

Bad news at work - other team is doing some UI changes to their module. The changes will probably come chasing after me later this month or early next month - despite that fact that I am already overbooked at 300%.

I am supposed to teach another 2 hr class tomorrow. It wasn't until like 4pm this afternoon when I remembered this. Of course I haven't revise the PowerPoints and in-class exercises from 3 months ago. Hopefully, I'll come up with something to say tomorrow. (Or wish that all the attendees decide that they would take the day off instead of coming to work. Ha!)

Nothing a little sweet can't fix

I was in a bad mood earlier. Technically speaking, I wasn't in a bad mood. Rather, I am in no mood at all. And it wasn't just tonight. So around 10, I decided that I could really use some sugar in my system so I got out and drove to Walmart to get myself dessert. A pint of ice-cream + a case of Pepsi. I'm all good now.

On the side note, I haven't had any sodas for the past 2-3 days - wondering if that's the reason I was feeling moody. Um...