Jan 24, 2005


There is this BBS that I go to every day. Recently, there is this big fight over whether some of the "chat" thread should be moved to another board instead of the main board. The main reason being that newly created threads will get pushed to the bottom of the first page (or sometimes even the second page) within a short period of time as these "chat" threads keep floating up.

To me, this is a perfectly fine idea. Why on earth would I even care about conversations between several individuals with topics that will bored me to death. Oh wait, I DO care because they are pushing all the new threads to the bottom of the page and I have to scroll down/go to the next page to even find them. Anyway, these idiots have to make such a big fuss about it and the administrator finally reverted to the original configuration.

They should be grateful I am not the one managing the BBs; otherwise, I'll definitely shut the whole thing down - If you are not appreciating what I am doing (simply because of passion), get the fxxk out of here.

P.S. That's why I like the newsgroup server 3home so much. More than once their admin mentioned that it's a private server; if you don't like what they're doing, stop coming! And I think that's totally cool~

Jan 16, 2005

Another uneventful weekend

Another weekend with nothing happened. To certain extent, it should be a good thing. However, I think I'll need to find something to spend my time on (before I got stuck with all the projects for the next developement cycle).

Saturday and Sunday nights (by night I mean 10:00 and after) are particularly boring. Normally, I would start going through all the online forums, newsgroups and weblogs that I visit daily. However on weekends, I've already did all these when I woke up - which left me nothing to do now. Thus, this is normally the time I update my blogs and post in forums/newsgroups.

Jan 11, 2005


好多 HK 字出唔到呢~ 極為不滿~
.\ /.

More photos this year

Hopefully. This is one of my new year resolution i think - that is, to take more pictures of things around me. I still remembered back in Purdue, one of us always had a digital camera. Tons of pictures were taken during those days. I surely missed that!

So this year, I vow to take my DC with me more often. =)

林一峰: 一個人在途上

聽完林一峰遊樂會之後,立刻從 M:\ 內找回了『一個人在途上』這一隻 CD 的 mp3。結果整晚就伏在書桌上聽著一峰的歌,洗滌了自己的心靈。作曲,填詞,主唱-林一峰一手包辦,現今所謂的樂壇,仲有邊位歌星有這才華? 可惜的是無機會親身去一峰的音樂會,冇辦法感受到 live 的氣氛同感覺~ (聽聞濱唱會的 cd 其實做得不是太好~ ding!) 下次,下次有機會的話......

已經很久沒有衝動去買 CD,亦已忘記了上一張買的 CD 是哪個歌星的。估唔到一星期之內,竟然會有兩張 CD 會另激起我的購買慾。

Jan 5, 2005

This is the day where...I paid off my car

Though technically it should be yesterday. Oh well~ What a relief - 4 long years! Has it already been four years already? Sure doesn't feel like it.

Now I am waiting for my car's title! Hohoho~