Oct 28, 2004

Deadline Coming Up

Five more days till the internal deadline. Unfortunately, there are still tons of stuff to do before that. As predicted, the new infrastructure is not ready yet so I can only "imagine" stuff in my head rather than actually writing codes to try it out. Some times it gets so frustrated because you never know what you have in mind will be the actual thing you see down the road. Not to mention the fact that technically, I only have 3 more business day to finish my development. Man, doing cross-team development is tiring - especially if we are talking more than one team here.

Oct 26, 2004

跟風: Jasper222



Eyemaze Score! Posted by Hello

我 很棒呢~ 哈哈哈~ 不過我始終認為太多花款了,實在有點兒難記什麼時候要扑,什麼時候要留手。還有的就是那第二十關的 Boss 也實在太變態了吧~ 數字不停變之餘,打錯的話一是被炸,一是鎚仔被 downgrade。我那傍身至寶金鎚仔就是這樣被他一次又一次的 downgrade,直到變回 PikoPiko Hammer,實在是太恐怖了?

(天!書面語實在太難寫吧~ wakakakaka)

Oct 25, 2004

There Goes Another Monday

It was a rather busy day indeed. Doing a few PQA, fixing some of the logs, helping out with QA and there goes my day. Unfortunately, I still haven't get a chance to start the Revamp project that has been haunting me for the past couple weeks. To be honest, I don't even know if I can get it done before the deadline at this point. The scoop of the project is just too big. And being the "smallest" team in the company, there really isn't another person whom I can fall onto in case something else comes up. So I am crossing my fingers nothing bad happens for the next two weeks.

Speaking about work, another trip coming up in Nov. Though it'll be much closer home this time - Milwaukee. It should be interesting how the trip turns out.

Oct 24, 2004


哈哈哈~ 終於開了這個 Weblog account。其實一直以來都有咁諗,只可惜一直都搵唔到合心水的 Blogger。今次原本只係打算 create 個 Google Hello 的 account,點知搞搞?就發覺到 e 個 Blogger,搞?搞?咁就開埋 e 個 account 喇。

e 個 Blogger 冇乜主題,我諗到乜就寫乜啦~ 哈哈哈哈~