I haven't brought back all the stuff home yet so i don't have photo for the gifts. However, I did bring the following item home:

3 years at Epic - it really didn't feel that long despite the fact that I've moved offices 4 times. First from CP to TDS as the company tried to bring all clinical teams into a single building; then back to CP because the main clinical products themselves now needed the whole TDS building, and finally Andromeda in the new campus in Verona. Still remember the first couple nights in Andromeda - since we were the only floor occupied (1st and 2nd floor weren't even done yet), supplies are rare, if not non-existent. Each night around mid-night (there was a deadline then), we would raid the other buildings and bring back much need supplies. Ah good time!
Since I started working for Epic, I've been working on the same product for six different releases. In fact, I think I am still the only full-time developer for my product (hee!). There are a couple releases where i am the one working on the various projects. Definitely a challenge trying to push "logs" through PQAs, but luckily that's no longer the case. Yippee!
Thinking about it, I think all the folks that was on the team either switched working on another product or left the company. Michael pretty much was the only "full time" personnel (but he's also working on another product as well) when Erica and I joined. The three of us comprised the main Dev, QA and TS for the application. So much fun working with them. Unfortunately both of them have left the company. The flip side is that Erica is still in town and Michael is working on the other side of the fence nowadays.
I am surprised too that I didn't get tired (mentally) yet. I think I am the kind of Gemini that needs new things constantly. Hahahaha... Overall, all I will say is that it has been a really good 3 years. =)
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