Friday night was a Zelda marathon. By the time I went to bed, it was already 5 or 530 in the morning. Well, since it was Saturday and there wasn't any incentive to get up "earlier" (Chicago trip was postponed to probably 2 weeks later), I didn't wake up until 4:30pm - hmmmm, 12-hrs sleep, about right for a weekend.
However, comparing to the Saturday night, Friday night wasn't too bad. It was Petris' last weekend in Madison so we went to a Turkish restaurant for dinner (I ordered a chicken dish, served in a creamy sauce - delicious. Photo included of course, taken with my newly acquired N73). The dinner was later than usual, considering the fact that we didn't leave the West side of Madison until some time around 8:30 and the restaurant was a good 20 minutes drive (it's on State street in the UW campus). So by the time we were done, it was like 1030 already. The plan for the rest of the night was some board games in King Snort's place. A couple more stops and we finally arrived at his place around 1130p. Definitely a late start even to me. Ha ha ha...
Played a few new games (I think 2 rounds of 3 games), mixed a few Wii tennis in between. Unfortunately I didn't bring my controllers so we were stuck with 2 players instead of 4 (altogether we had 8 ppl though so we kept it short by doing 1 set matches). After a long night of festivity, it was 415 when i finally arrived home.
I should have gone straight to bed - but going to bed without checking the IMs, newsgroups, BBS, bulletin boards seemed so wrong (wakakaka). Besides, 5am = 7pm in Hong Kong, there were a whole bunch of friends on MSN - can't possibly skipped this opportunity to do some catchups.
So by the time i really went to bed, the sky's already lighted up. A look at the clock - 730a. Oh well, glad it's a weekend. :P
Mentioned earlier, my meal on Saturday night:

P.S. Jan 2007 is now officially the month of the most blog posts!